Event Crew

Is Your Crew Resume Costing You Jobs?

Secure the interview with these resumes tips for live events crew

It can be overwhelming to search for resume tips because there are thousands of suggestions on what to do. Every result has a different opinion on format and page count but there is not a clear guide on how to create a resume specifically for crew members in the live events arena.

Below are ideal resume ideas for crew members or individuals looking to enter the live events industry. 


Resume tips for event crew:

  1. Format

  2. Company info

  3. Email address 

  4. Adding positions/skillset

  5. Certifications

  6. Outside of the industry related work

  7. Ready. Set. Interview!


How to format your crew resume

Make sure your resume is easy to read and consistent font size. 

Should you have more than one page? If you have a longer career track, you can do two pages. One page is probably plenty. Anything over two pages is too much. 

You don't need an "About Me" section but you could opt for an objective statement or a brief bio in the cover letter.


How to add event company info

It's not as important to see the big companies' names. Recruiters are looking to see what position you held and what gear you used. 

If you have worked multiple jobs or held various positions with a client then list the oldest jobs at the bottom and go up. This is a great way to show career growth. 

When listing past jobs, stick with 3-5 concise bullet points of what you did. This leaves room for the interviewer to ask questions and you have left yourself more room for conversation.

Recruiters might also only scan the first few bullet points to see if you have the skills needed for that specific job. If not, they will move on.


Email address

It's important to have a professional email address (avoid nicknames, hobbies, pet names or other personal info). 

Check out these examples for how to get started. 

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Should you have a separate resume for different skills (A1, V1, LED tech)?

If you are applying for a specific position, prioritize that skill set first. If all skills fit within the recommended length, put all but the most important first!

Remember to add the most important and relevant information at the top.

Do your research! Target the job you want and show them you want it and can do it.


How important are crew certifications on resumes?

It's great to see certifications but even better if they tailored to the job you are applying for.


🎧Related: How To Advance Your Events Career Through Education & Training feat. Omar Colom


Outside of the industry work during the pandemic years

Whether you worked inside the industry or not it doesn't negate that fact that you worked during crazy times. 


Get ready for the interview! 

Have a virtual presence, familiarity with virtual space/events and be comfortable with virtual interviews.

Be dressed and ready to be on camera on even if it's scheduled to be a phone interview.

Instead of saying you aren't "available"...say that you're "already booked".


Ready to get started? Click below and schedule your vetting call! 👇

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